Monday, October 12, 2015

Hydration and replenishing electrolytes during the workout.


Hydration during the training plays a significant role. Unfortunately, many of us drink too little fluids during the day. As you probably know, one should drink 2.5 liters of water daily, and 1 ml is 1 kcal. What’s more, if we train, we need a larger amount of water to drink. If the level of metabolism becomes higher, the rate of heat generation in the working muscles can increase even up to 100 times, resulting in a temperature increase in the muscles: 34-36°C in repose, and 37-39°C in the first 3-4 minutes of the training. It is the reason why you should never let your body be dehydrated and always have a bottle of water with you. 

Each time I’m going to work out, I take two water bottles. In the first there’s water that I can always drink, whereas in another there’s a regenerating drink that contains important carbohydrates which level during your workout naturally falls (hypoglycemia). Drinking such a drink can always help you to replenish carbohydrates. Therefore, such electrolytes as sodium, potassium, chloride or magnesium should be properly replenished since they are removed with sweat. However, if you don’t feel the need to take care about the level of them during the workout, it would be worth to balance them with your diet. Always remember to drink water when you’re working out. Otherwise, you’ll be dehydrated so if you feel the increased thirst, it’s a signal from your body that you’re already dehydrated. You should avoid such situations. The loss of 1l of sweat causes a loss of 2.9g of sodium chloride, so if one trains once or twice a day, he will lose approximately 15g of salt, losing 5 liters of sweat. At the very different values of daily intake of NaCl, the lower use of salt is not always justified. Dehydration, acidification, oxygen deficit and depletion of energy substrates are the main causes of fatigue. When it comes to my training, in the first hour of a workout I drink water, in another I drink a regenerating drink not only because I already drank a bottle of water but I start feeling muscle cramps. Also, the level of glucose begins to drop down below 100 mg%. The best thing to do is to avoid such situations.  You can read more on the website <link>

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