Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dosing insulin during the workout (an insulin pump)


I often hear that so-called “a sweet sportsman” doesn’t know how to dose insulin properly during the workout. Besides, some diabetics may not know how to react and what to do to avoid hypoglycemia. First, you need to answer the question: when do you plan your training? What will be its length and intensity? Remember that preparing for a training looks different, depending if you want your workout to be done in the morning, or later. As you know, a human’s liver
releases the largest amount of glucose in the morning throughout the day. At this time you shouldn’t lower the basic dosage of insulin. It is also important to remember that if you want to eat some carbohydrates before the workout, I believe that at least 50% of the calculated dose of insulin (1WW/1 u.) should be given. If you plan a workout during the afternoons or in the evenings, dosing insulin looks completely different. In this case, it is even allowed to disconnect an insulin pump, lower the basic dose by 50%, or have 2-3 WW for those you don’t have insulin; leaving the base at a steady level. No matter what you decide, you should check your insulin level always before your workout and after it. Over time, you will know your body better and better and the body itself will know how to act and react in the best way. The last thing: always have some easy-absorbing carbohydrates with you.

Good luck with your “sweet workouts” :) 

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